
  • Future air warfare systems will use interwoven teams of humans and autonomy.
  • Automation will increase in use of sensors, flight control, decision support, weapons employment, and battle management.
  • Autonomous systems must be specifically designed to “get along” with human team members.
  • Behaviors of autonomous systems must be predictable and compatible with human expectation.
  • Interfaces to human and control systems must be designed and tested in real-world conditions

OPL resources

  • OPL uses actual UAS, manned surrogate aircraft, and airborne embedded simulation of Unmanned Systems and Airborne Launched Effects (ALE) to test Human Machine Teaming in Distributed LVC environments.
  • Tests are conducted in the real world using a modular, low-cost, open systems architecture (OSA) approach.
  • OPL has access to a UAS grass strip.
  • Research is bolstered with a strong foundation of graduate-level academics, hands-on systems building, integration on aircraft, and testing with state-of-the-art agile flight test methods.

Research topics

  • Graphic showing a pilot and the screens that are visible to him

    Measuring and moderating trust in automation

  • Managing handover of control in airborne battle management between engaged and supporting fighters
  • Effective communication of intent between agent and human
  • Adaptable continuum of automation to adapt to rapid changes in battlespace
  • Predictable Artificial Intelligence Nurtures Trust (PAINT)
  • In cockpit and C2 HMI